Creative Website Writing: Pine Cone Hill Head & Subhead

Pine Cone Hill website writing sample, featuring a creative headline and subhead or descriptive text and call to action.

Creative website writing Robin Catalano freelance writer editor homepage copy PCH


Bedding company Pine Cone Hill changes up its homepage images and text every week, to keep the shopping experience fresh. My job as a copywriter for them included creative website writing that showcases each product by making it sound exciting, unusual, and full of possibilities. This promotion for patterned neutral bedding, complete with a call to action, does just that.

In addition to serving as the company’s Senior Copywriter, I was also the Managing Editor of Digital & Social Media. This gave me a unique view into digital marketing for home decor and design, for both luxury and family-friendly brands, and I look forward to developing relationships with new clients in the decor realm. Contact me to learn how we can work together.


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